Aesthetic Bonding

Aesthetic Bonding

Aesthetic bonding, also known as cosmetic, dental or composite bonding, is an entirely non-invasive procedure primarily used to repair damaged teeth. It’s a cosmetic solution for teeth that don’t require extensive preparation and need correction in both form and colour.

It is an easy, fast, and affordable option for your smile journey. This treatment restores cracked, chipped, decayed, and damaged teeth, achieving very natural-looking results. Unlike veneers or crowns, it can be completed in a single visit.

Before After
Case by Dr Mark Bowes
Drag circle to see before and after

First, a digital impression and a series of smiling photos are taken. These are used to digitally create the ideal shape of the teeth that need bonding. This design is 3D-printed, and silicone indexes or guides are made to copy the design into the mouth. A shade is selected to match the composite materials to your teeth, and the bonding is then completed tooth by tooth in the dentist’s chair.

Dental bonding lasts five to ten years, based mainly on the level of post-procedure care. If you are hoping to whiten your teeth, this must be done before the cosmetic bonding because the materials used for bonding do not react to whitening the same way that teeth do. Getting your teeth to the desired colour first helps us match the aesthetic bonding to your natural smile.

Your freshly bonded teeth are not stain-resistant, so you must care for them as well as possible. Try to avoid foods that stain and products like tobacco that cause discolouration. Avoid chewy foods like sticky sweets and nuts, which can cause your cosmetic bonding to chip. We also strongly urge patients not to use their teeth to tear and bite objects that are not food – don’t use your teeth as tools!

After getting composite bonding on your teeth, we suggest sticking to your usual dental care routine of brushing at least twice a day and flossing at least once. Opt for a soft brush, applying minimal pressure when brushing, and use toothpaste designed for use with aesthetic bonding. An electric toothbrush is an even better option. Ask your dentist for a comprehensive guide to caring for your new smile before leaving our clinic to avoid any unnecessary returns to the dentist’s chair.


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