Dr Waldo Engelbrecht

Dr Waldo Engelbrecht

Dr Waldo Engelbrecht has been practicing in Port Elizabeth for the last 15 years. His key interests are Digital Aesthetic Dentistry and Implantology.

Waldo is a learning spirit who has furthered his education through university postgraduate studies over the years. In addition, he has furthered his education at the Implant and Aesthetic Academy, pushing himself to deliver quality and predictable treatment solutions for his patients. His Digital Smile Design (DSD) residency was a notable highlight for him in the last year.

When he is not attending to his patients, Waldo stays active by doing CrossFit and bodyboarding. In addition, he loves to read and listen to audiobooks and podcasts.

Lastly, Waldo’s wife and children anchor him and give him the energy he needs to continue to chase excellence in everything he does.


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