Your Health is all you have now – 7 ways to keep it strong.

In this uncertain time of COVID, your health really is the most important thing you can control.  If your body is not functioning at 100% your chances of getting ill and perhaps contracting the dreaded COVID increases.

So what should I be doing to stay healthy?

Without boring you with the usual topics of eating healthy food, exercising regularly, cutting down on your alcohol consumption (or being forced to), etc.  There are a number of practical things you can do to stay healthy.

1. Supplement Correctly

Make sure that your vitamin regimen includes vitamin C.  This is a great anti-oxidant and will help keep your body able to fight potential infections.  Other supplements that can help ward off infections are Echinacea and taking Omega 3.  These are your basic supplements that you can take at the very least.

2. Keep your mind healthy

In this time of lockdown, it is so easy to get into a negative head space.  If you are stressing about money, or how you will afford your bond, etc then perhaps you need to take a good look at how your lifestyle might need to change.  And don’t stress about it.  Have a plan and then just trust that things will work out.  Worrying is like praying for something bad to happen.  This lockdown is out of our control, so enjoy the time at home.  Use it to restore your mind and see how you can positively change your life going forward. 

3. Get your basic checks done

Once we are free to get back into the world again, consider having your routine checks done.  These are so easily put off but now is as good a time as any to make sure that your body is healthy.  See your GP and do your yearly blood checks.  Prevent any issues that may raise their head as much as you can.

4. Get your dental check up and clean

Your mouth is still the biggest portal into your body.  You need to make sure your mouth is healthy to ensure that you can keep the rest of your body healthy.  We can screen for oral cancer at the same time too.  You’re supposed to have a check and clean every 6 months.  Don’t put it off, this is something that will keep you healthy in these times. Also, clean teeth and a touch of whitening will go a long way to making you feel phenomenal!

5. Rest

Getting enough sleep really is a no-brainer.  I am sure your sleeping patterns are totally out by going to bed late and sleeping in.  With the close of lockdown looming, get your sleeping patterns back to a better time so you can maintain yourself into your daily routine.

6. Have some fun

It’s not often that we’ll be forced to simplify our lives like this so take some time to enjoy the little funny things these days might give you.

7. Stretch

Yoga is such a highly publicised method of keeping your mind and body healthy. For me, a little Yoga session really helps clear the cobwebs in my body and in my mind. Do a little 20 minutes of Yoga every other day and stretch your body out. It will definitely thank you!

Do the basics correctly and you can build a strong healthy body.  Call Enamel Dentistry now to book your check up and clean.

By Dr Sheryl Smithies

Associate Dentist Enamel Dentistry


