How do we use 3D facial design for your smile makeover? Case Study – Dr Bowes

Creating a natural smile requires a great deal of meticulous planning, that takes into account your natural features, including your face, lips, teeth and gums. As the only Digital Smile Design clinic, in Southern Africa, we follow the Five Smile Makeover Standards, to ensure beautiful natural smiles in harmony with the face. These Five Smile […]

Afraid of having a fake-looking smile? We can help!

Have you ever looked at someone when they flash their smile, and somehow it looks unnatural or fake-looking? This occurrence is not uncommon! At Enamel Dentistry, we believe that a smile makeover should complement your natural facial features. Above all, your smile should reflect your personality. One of the reasons why many smile makeovers have […]

What is patient ‘digitisation’, and how does it work?

Smile Makeover

Close your eyes and imagine a life where you don’t have to constantly think about your teeth and how to hide them… Fact: Your smile should look good, be healthy, and make you feel confident. This is possible with proper planning during the Digitisation phase of the smile makeover journey. At Enamel Dentistry, we provide […]

Can you spot a great smile makeover when you see one?

As consumers, we can rely on industry standards for a product’s authenticity and value. We believe it should be the same for smile makeovers! If you’re considering a smile makeover, this blog is for you. We explore the 5 dental industry standards for a perfect smile makeover and how our team can help make it […]

Digital Smile Design is paving the way for smile rehabilitations

I ask the question “Would you ever build your dream house without a plan?” Of course not! In fact today the architects will produce a 3D virtual simulation that will allow you to walk through each and every room filled with your favourite furniture and colours. Why do we use Digital Smile Design for smile […]

Composite veneers: Dr Sheryl Smithies

Composite Veneers

Rehabilitating a smile is personal. Dr Smithies knew that this case was close to the heart of the patient, who wanted a bigger and brighter smile. She spread the veneer treatment journey over 2 months to accommodate the general dentistry treatments and smile rehabilitation. Above all, the outcome of the composite veneers made the patient […]

Smile rehabilitation: Dr Mark Bowes

Ceramic Restoration

This patient started his treatment journey with a simple goal: to finally smile with confidence. Dr Mark Bowes was the lead dentist on this case and knew that a new smile would make a world of a difference for this patient. This was a combination of ceramic and composite restorations which took just under 6 […]