Neurotoxin Treatment: What is it?

  Neurotoxin treatment has been used for years to combat wrinkles and rejuvenate people’s appearance. Most people are familiar with one particular neurotoxin product Botox®. However, there are many other options, namely Dysport®, Xeomin®, Jeuveau® and others. In addition, Dysport® and Botox® are the only two available in South Africa. This blog article will explain neurotoxin […]

Teeth Whitening & Aesthetic Bonding: What’s the Difference?

Cosmetic Dentistry offers a variety of solutions that improve the appearance of your teeth. You have very likely come across two of these solutions, teeth whitening and aesthetic bonding, and wondered what they are and what makes one different from the other. This blog article will help you answer both questions by briefly describing the […]

Guided Treatment: Making Your Dream Smile a Reality

A smile makeover is a significant personal investment. It’s essential, therefore, to know that the final results are worth the time, money, and emotion you invest in the process. As a Digital Smile Design (DSD) Clinic, we have five Smile Makeover Standards. We use these protocols to ensure that our patients feel confident in the quality of their smile makeover treatments.

Smile Test Drive: How we put YOU in control of your smile makeover

Sometimes it can be challenging to understand what treatments are involved in a smile makeover journey or imagine what your new smile might look like on you. As a Digital Smile Design Clinic, we have five Smile Makeover Standards to ensure that our patients feel confident in the quality of their smile makeover treatments.  Our […]

6 Tips on How to Find a Good Cosmetic Dentist in Cape Town

Choosing a cosmetic dentist in Cape Town that is right for your personal needs can be intimidating. At Enamel Dentistry, we have a team of specialists that can help you achieve a personalised smile makeover experience using Digital Smile Design protocols.  Our smile architects take into consideration your unique facial features as well as your […]

Why do we collaborate with specialists to plan your smile makeover treatment?

As a certified Digital Smile Design (DSD) Clinic, we use Digital Treatment Planning to design and plan perfect smile makeover cases for our patients. This process involves us collaborating with a team of specialists at the DSD Planning Centre. In this blog, you will read more about our third smile makeover standard called Digital Treatment […]

What should my oral health care routine look like at home?

You might have been in a situation where you have stood in front of a shelf full of dental products with no idea which option is best for you. Above that, you might not know the best routine to maintain when it comes to brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash. In this blog, you can look […]

Where can I whiten my teeth in Cape Town?

Over time the natural shade of our teeth can change colour. The change of shade is due to the type of food we eat, our lifestyle habits, and how we maintain our oral health routine. Philips Zoom! teeth whitening is the optimal solution for enhancing the shade of your teeth safely and effectively.  In this […]

How do we use 3D facial design for your smile makeover? Case Study – Dr Bowes

Creating a natural smile requires a great deal of meticulous planning, that takes into account your natural features, including your face, lips, teeth and gums. As the only Digital Smile Design clinic, in Southern Africa, we follow the Five Smile Makeover Standards, to ensure beautiful natural smiles in harmony with the face. These Five Smile […]

Afraid of having a fake-looking smile? We can help!

Have you ever looked at someone when they flash their smile, and somehow it looks unnatural or fake-looking? This occurrence is not uncommon! At Enamel Dentistry, we believe that a smile makeover should complement your natural facial features. Above all, your smile should reflect your personality. One of the reasons why many smile makeovers have […]

“What teeth whitening treatment is the best for me?” – We have the answer!

Having a bright smile is something we all aspire to have. We get bombarded with thousands of different teeth whitening treatments on the market on a daily basis. The trick is to choose the right product that is safe and effective for you. At Enamel Dentistry, we offer different teeth whitening options that suit your […]